Cluster Members & Partners

Of our 36 members, about half are new or established companies in the biotech, biomarine, fishery, and aquaculture arenas. Others are R&D players, service providers and actors for the stimulation of innovation. Our members enjoy courses and workshops designed for further education, network activities to connect people, business development services, help for startups, and international branding and promotion.


ArcticZymes Technology

Contact: Børge Sørvoll

Develops, manufactures and markets novel molecular enzymes for use in research, molecular diagnostics and applied markets. 


Contact: Trond Solstrand

Produces food supplements completely free of artificial additives.

Biotec Betaglucans

Contact:Rolf Engstad

Develops and manufactures immune modulating compounds for the human health sectors. 


An innovation company with the objective of commercializing business ideas from research activities and new technologies.

Bryn Aarflot

Intellectual property consultants with full range of IP services at all levels

Brødrene Karlsen

Contact: Randi Karlsen

A seafood corporation supplying high quality seafood from the Arctic, offering both farmed and wild fish.


Contact: Marianne Mæhlum

Offers superior, all-natural Arctic Marine Bioactives derived from the marine crustacean Calanus finmarchicus, providing health benefits to people and animals all over the world. 


A manufacturer and a provider of high quality biopolymers chitin and chitosan, derived from the raw material Pandalus Borealis caught in the Arctic part of the North Atlantic.


The largest laboratory in Norway, leading the industry in the chemical, microbiological and sensory analysis of the environment, food, feed and agriculture. 

Contact: Herman Schips

Kelpinor is a Norwegian marine technology company originating from NTNU Trondheim, which has developed a method for deploying and harvesting food grade kelp, enabling economies of scale.


A seaweed company based in Hammerfest.  Extracting valuable molecules from arctic sustainably harvested wild seaweeds, like Ascophyllum nodosum.

Tromsø Chamber of Commerce

Contact: Trude Nilsen

 The fourth largest business association in Norway with approximately 650 members, from all sectors. 


An industrial R&D program for marine biotechnology in Northern Norway with a focus on increasing value in the fishery, aquaculture, and biotechnological industries.


Marbank is a national marine biobank with a mission to provide academia and industry with easy access to marine biodiversity, its associated data and extractable products. 


A marine biotechnology company with a focus on the development and commercialization of novel bioactive peptides from sustainable marine sources of the Arctic Ocean for human health and food ingredients. 


Contact: Birthe Vang

One of the largest institutes for applied research within the fields of fisheries, aquaculture and food research in Europe. 


Contact: Thomas Hansen

A nutraceutical company with a patented Norwegian omega-3 product for health called Olivita, a unique combination of seal oil and extra virgin olive oil. 

Nordic Pharma Inc

Contact: Gorm Breimo

Develops and produces novel ingredients based on bioactive compounds from the Arctic with a focus on marine lipids, and applies to cGMP API.

UiT The Arctic University of Norway

The world’s northernmost university, located in Tromsø, Norway.


Contact: Anne Myhr

NORCE delivers research and innovation in energy, health care, climate, the environment, society and technology.

Aarja Health

Contact: Håkon Volden

Aarja Health® pure, safe, and highly bioavailable vitamins and supplements combined with Nordic superfoods. All products are designed to boost your health naturally without any unnecessary additives – manufactured with love in our own certified factory in Finland.


Independent research institute in the NIVA-group that provide basic and applied research, experimental research facilities, and accredited laboratory analyses within the fields of aquatic environment, aquaculture, and maritime industries.

Wai Genetics

Contact: Petter Johansen

We improve biological readings from challenging samples by addressing complex biochemistry, unveiling the code of life and contributing to biological solutions for a more abundant world.

Vesterålen Havbruk

Myre Havbruk is engaged in farming and catch-based aquaculture of Atlantic cod, with focus on high quality of the raw materials.


Contact: Tina Olaussen

Nutrishell is a marine biotechnology company producing high quality feed and food ingredients from marine rest raw materials.


Norskin is an environmental and traceable alternative to traditional leather made by procuring, sorting and pre-treating the highest quality material from the ice-cold seas of Northern Norway. 

Norway Naturals

Contact: Kenneth Ruud

Norway Naturals is a manufacturer preserving and utilizing harvested and farmed unique arctic plant materials from sea and land. Preservation, drying, milling, concentration and extraction (startup medio 2022)

KinSea Lead Discovery AS

Developing marine bioactive compounds from the Arctic ocean into pharmaceutically active products. The therapeutic indications cover cancers as well as other diseases with high, unmet clinical need.


Contact: Mats Trones


Tailorzyme design enzyme solutions optimized for the customer’s substrate and process requirements.

We work in close collaboration with the customer and together we develop new enzyme solutions suited for industrial applications.

Northern Norway largest environmental collaboration. 55 000 tonnes organic waste will be converted into biogas in a new plant in Skibotn, in Troms and Finnmark.

Develops antiviral drugs for treatment against respiratory virus infections and topical treatments for bacterial infections.

Contact: Martin Oddekalv

Forward-thinking biotech company based in Tromsø Norway, that focuses on utilizing marine resources and leading kelp reforestation efforts.


Troms and Finnmark County Council

The County Council is financially supporting Biotech North’s current innovation project.

Responsible for certain cross-municipal tasks and initiates and coordinates regional political and administrative activities.

Innovation Norway

Innovation Norway is financially supporting Biotech North’s current innovation project.

The Norwegian Government’s most important instrument for innovation and development of Norwegian enterprises and industry. 

The Research Council of Norway

The Research Council is actively supporting Biotech North’s current innovation project

A governmental funding instrument seeking to add value to the research system by facilitating research that actors in the system could not successfully achieve working on their own. 

Norwegian Innovation Clusters

A governmental cluster program aiming to trigger and enhance collaborative development activities in clusters in order to increase cluster dynamics and attractiveness while boosting the individual company’s innovativeness and competitiveness.


A public enterprise owned by the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Fisheries that is a part of the public funding agencies for innovation, working closely with Innovation Norway, the Norwegian Research Council and the Norwegian Patent Office.

Tromsø Municipality

Formed by the majority in the city council and has the overall responsibility for the everyday work within the municipality.