An international conferance on production and use of enzymes.
15-16 November 2021, Scandic Oslo Airport Hotel, Gardermoen.
The program is under development and will be announced soon, but key topics will be: industrial uses of enzymes, bioprospecting, regulatory aspects, marked and enzyme production.
New sustainable production processes are needed, and it is now time for green transition of industries. Enzyme technologies are defined as sustainable process to extract and develop high value compounds without using chemical solvent. In this conference, we will go through the different challenges and the bottlenecks to increase and improve enzyme technology as industrial process but also its implementation and development in international market and how Norway could play a role in it. The bioprospecting of new enzymes, their potential markets and their regulatory challenges will be addressed during this conference.
Enzyme technologies are used for a long time in the biomarine industries to produce high value products. The oceans are a huge source of biodiversity and are an important source for compounds with specific characteristic such as enzyme. Each enzyme is unique and allowed a large panel of different final products. What is it needed to lift this technology and improve the use of enzymes in industrials processes? What kind of sustainability solution enzymes can bring for Norwegian industries?
International market access and regulatory are also key aspects to develop enzyme technology. In this conference, these challenges will be introduced and debate. What are the bottlenecks to growth Norwegian enzyme market internationally? And what it is needed to reach these goals.
Organizers: NCE Blue Legasea and Biotech North
With support from MABIT
09:00 – 10:00 Registration / Welcome coffee and snacks
10:00 – 11:30 Session 1: Use of enzymes in the industry to support the green transition
Enzyme-based technologies enable sustainable processes for the development of high value compounds
without using chemical solvents. Their uses in the industry could be seen as a lift to support a green
transition and improve sustainability in their business. During this session, several industrials will discuss how
and why they are using enzymes and the challenges and opportunities of this technology.
Rimfrost (Inge Bruheim), Biomega (Bjorn Liaset), Tailorzyme (Simon Emil Lausen)
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch Break
12:30 – 12:45 The MABIT-program and the MABIT-project «Processed Crab Shell as Enzyme support PROCESS»
Victoria S. Paulsen, Manager MABIT and Alexandre Pierre Descomps, PhD. Postdoc, Nofima
12:45 – 14:00 Session 2: Bioprospecting of enzymes and new technological opportunities
The oceans are a huge source of biodiversity and are an important source of molecules with specific
characteristics such as enzymes. The session will address the bioprospecting of new enzymes from marine
resources and how their unique characteristics can improve technology processing and strengthen
sustainability in the industry.
UiT-NorStruct (Peik Haugen), Universitetet i Bergen (Ida Helene Steen), NORCE (Antonio-Garcia Moyano
14:00 – 14:30 Coffee Break
14:30 – 16:00 Session 3: Regulatory aspects of enzyme : a bottleneck or door opener?
In this session, regulatory aspects of enzyme uses as technological and nutritional ingredient in EU will be
discussed. To enter the market, requirements for new enzymes can be time and money demanding. In this
session, the procedure under the EU novel food regulation will be presented. The development of new
enzymes and their uses in the industry is challenging and competitive, in this session the legal use of enzyme
and the freedom to operate would be also discussed.
Medfiles (Mari Lyyra), Bryn Aarflot (Marianne Weiby Wulff)
18:00 Dinner
09:00 – 11:30 Session 4: Inside the enzyme market, possibilities and challenges
What does it take to increase and strengthen enzyme production in Norway? The development of new
enzyme products can be time and money demanding. From the laboratory to the market, several steps will
be requisite with also different stakeholders involved. This session will address different key topics from
the scale up process to the need of infrastructure development and via the need of specific skills and
competencies in the industry. This session will also address the GMO topic.
Genøk (Anne Myhr), NTNU/ Syngens AS (Rahmi Lale), Vectron Biosolutions (Jostein Malmo), NORCE (Catherine Boccadoro), ArcticZymes Technologies ASA (Olav Lanes)
11:30 – 12:00 Panellist discussion: The current status and potential for industrial enzyme production in Norway
Our panellists will debate how Norway could play a role in the international enzyme market and how to
strengthen its position with the different stakeholders.
Moderator: Ole Jorgen Marvik (Innovation Norway). Panellist: Vectron Biosolutions (Jostein Malmo),
NORCE (Catherine Boccadoro), ArcticZymes Technologies ASA (Olav Lanes)
12:00 Lunch and ending of the conference