Biotech North invites you to this exciting investor event that is being brought to you during Arctic Innovation Week by the Norwegian Health Investor Network (NHIN) with the support of the NHIN Collaboration group .
Moderator: Jeremy McCrohan, Norwegian Health Investor Network (Head of Investor Relations, Norway Health Tech)
When: 19th Oct, 10:00 – 11:00
Where: Online
Event Schedule:
10:00 Presentation by Patrik Frei (CEO, Venture Valuations)
- Risk and return – Valuation is a key factor when investing in any life science company.
Learn how to calculate and determine the right assumptions for any biotech, healthtech or medtech company and how to avoid common pitfalls when considering an investment.
10:50 Q&A from audience
Patrik Frei – Venture Valuations
Dr. Patrik Frei is founder and CEO of Venture Valuation AG, Switzerland, the company he started in 1999 based on collaboration with the Novartis Venture Fund. Since then he has been involved in over 700 valuations around the globe for investors as well as Biotech, Pharma and Medtech companies. Patrik has experience as a board member of public and private companies, published numerus articles and provides valuation workshops around the world.