Unge entreprenører og Co-Working

Line Kjelstrup




Location: Flow Coworking

Strandgata 9 Tromsø

8:30 - 10:30

Vi har gleden av å invitere deg til et åpent frokostseminaret med temaet “Unge entreprenører i Co-Working Spaces”. Seminaret et en del av et EU-prosjekt som utforsker hvordan man kan utvikle fremtidige arbeidsplasser for unge entreprenører i distriktene.

Er du opptatt av å skape nye rammebetingelser for unge næringstalenter – i by og bygd – vil seminaret være en inspirasjon i arbeidet ditt.

Pris: Gratis (inkludert næringsrik frokost:-) fra kl. 8.15

8.15-10.30 Breakfast served (free)

8.30 Welcome. Iintroduction to their co-working concept , Flow Coworking. Personal experience of working in a co-working place and how can it benefit young entrepreneurs, by Andreas
Nilsen Flow Coworking.

8.45 Desiree´Scalia from Ciape in Rome gives us an understanding of the project Youth Re-Working Rural, which has a focus on co- workingspaces in Europe

9.00 Maria Blazquez, a short resume´about ”state of the art” in
participating countries.

9.45 Branding of co-working places and digital skills, by Simone Bonavita
10.00 Reflection and discussion: What can co-working places do for local municipalities and unemployment agencies? How can young people be supported to join and fit in to co-working places? What are their needs?

10.30 End

Join a seminar initiated by the European Youth Re-Working Rural project. With experienced partners from Greece, Italy, Spain, Latvia, Slovenia and Norway. Be inspired and find your role in the global movement of establishing co-working spaces. How can abandoned spaces be used for this purpose?

This seminar is ment for entrepreneurs, becoming entrepreneurs, representants from municipalities, regional offices supporting entrepreneurship and innovation and individuals curious about co- working spaces in general.